Exam Stress

Home/Exam Stress
  • How to Excel in Your Exams This 1hr programme will help you to create the optimal mindset for your exams. At the end of the Presentation you will
    • Understand the importance of Stress Levels
    • Tips on how to improve Memory Recall
    • Practical cost-efficient/free tips for the Exam Hall
    • Hacks to increase your confidence
    • Understand the importance of your environment
  • How to Support Your Leaving Cert Child This will equip Parents/Caregivers to best support their Leaving Cert student in the final run up and during their exam period. At the End of the Programme Parents will
    • Understand the importance of managing stress levels.
    • Have Actionable Tips to create the best atmosphere at home.
    • How to practically support your student.
    • Hacks to get fear levels under control.
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