I hope you enjoyed the bank holiday break; it’s definitely time to settle by the evening fires now. How lucky are we to be able to sit in our comfortable homes? It truly is a blessing when you look at the devastation Sandy has caused to the Eastern coast of the USA, all those unfortunate families, who don’t even have a home now. I was speaking with friends of ours who live over there last night, and they were sitting by their fireplace, trying to keep warm, eating pot noodle, with no sign of electricity for many weeks to come, no running water, no showers, toilets, their cars were swept away, and the public transport isn’t running fully yet. Their town is destroyed with many of the buildings condemned. What struck me was that despite all this hardship, they said “it could be worse, thank God all of the family are safe”. Yet how often when everything is well in our world, do we appreciate the daily pleasures that we enjoy. Our tendency is to focus on what is” not right” in our lives while, the many blessings that we do have go unnoticed. Then, when a tragedy hits us, we temporarily do a stock take and feel grateful for all the gifts that are in our daily life.
Wouldn’t life be a lot more enjoyable if we could feel this gratitude every moment of every day? Often referred to as an “attitude of gratitude”, there are many proven reasons why we should become aware of the gifts that are in our lives, and countless modern books advocating gratitude as a means to abundance. Mainstream media would class this as “new age” information. Yet there is nothing “new” about this ancient truth. Personally, I am big fan of common sense-do I feel happier when I am feeling grateful and blessed to have my health, my family enjoy health, I have a lovely warm home with a choice of which foods I would like to eat, and so on- yes! And so do you! It’s not rocket science; make a mental list now, of all the gifts that are in your life-now! And if you are having trouble getting in touch with the feeling of gratitude, just imagine what you life would be like if all these blessings disappeared-that’ll do the trick! The next time you fall into the trap of cursing your electricity bill, just imagine what you life would be like without it-that will help how you feel about it-doesn’t get you out of paying it though! But you will feel differently-and that’s what’s important. I have rambled today!!! Back to business;
The Reiki Mastership program starts again in December, open to all those who have completed Reiki 1& 2, for more info contact us;
or 061-381947
For those of you who would like to learn some stress busting skills to help yourself and others, the following courses run this month;
Holistic Massage – every Tue 2pm-5pm
Indian Head Massage- Fri 16th-Sun 18th Nov
Hopi Candle- Thur 29th Nov
NLP introduction-Thur 22nd 2pm-5pm
Menopause Myth or Reality-Tue 27th 9.30 -12.30
Guess what else is on my gratitude list-my job!!!!
Till next time
L & L Anna