
Roadshow-Does your Child suffer from Anxiety? Reiki Trainings & More

May 20th, 2022|

As I write this date, I feel as if I’m living in some sort of time-warp!! How could it possibly be that we are heading towards the end of May already?  The way our world is changing is at an accelerated rate that has never been seen before too.  It is certainly “hang on to your hat” season!! As predicated in early 2020, we are now witnessing the effects of consistent fear trauma, especially with the children.  It is a privilege and a blessing for me to be in a position to help our children, and usually one session will have a profound positive impact.  However, there are only so many private clients that I can fit into each week, so I decided to put together a Program to help parents and educate them on how best to assist their children who are suffering from anxiety.  This way I can reach bigger audiences, and I


September 5th, 2021|

If there is one phrase that I would like to banish in recent times, it’s “back to normal”, there quite simply is no going back in any shape or form. Our world has changed dramatically forever, we as individuals have changed forever, this cannot be undone. Let me explain-trauma changes us forever, all of us have had experiences in the past that were traumatic, and we survived them, but we are never the same afterwards.  In my personal and professional experience we grow through these experiences, (or stay stuck, which is also a personal choice option), but for those that choose to do the personal inner work, these trauma can be the catalyst for personal and spiritual growth that benefits us forever.  Our perspectives change, our priorities change, our values change, often our daily life circumstances change, CHANGE is the one thing that trauma always guarantees!  So going “back” is not an option, change will

Now that you have survived-How are you integrating your experience?

June 10th, 2021|

Alleluia! We are still here to tell the tale, and what a tale it will be!  How will you be describing these past 15 months to the generation that aren't here yet? Thankfully we have survived what has undoubtedly been the most unprecedented period in human history.  While the projected death rates in March 2020 did not materalise (thank God), the stress and fear levels that everybody had to endure were off the graph.  Never before has this level of fear been experienced simultaneously by every citizen of every country in the world.  As the fear levels decline, this is the time when each of us needs to be super vigilant about our health. From a biological perspective, when we are in "fight or flight" mode our bodies produce a host of hormones to keep us on high alert to help us survive, these hormones (steroids) downplay our immune system, as it gives priority to

What is going on?????

June 7th, 2020|

Can you believe it is June? Did someone press a “pause” button on time? I certainly feel like time has warped, did you feel time was strange?I know that this period has been beyond strange, and a bit of a rollercoaster ride for most of us. There are so many layers of perspectives from which to view the last few months that you need the capacity of super zoom camera lens to switch between these layers. At this stage I must issue a warning- this blog does not come with the normal full of positivity vibes-for in my heart I feel we are at a critical point in the evolution of our world, so it would be negligent of me not to offer my tuppence-worth!Let’s zoom in and take a glimpse at the personal level for those who are healthy. The pause in time offered a golden opportunity to stop, look, listen and re-evaluate what

Golden Opportunity Time.

April 2nd, 2020|

By now I’m sure you are all well adjusted to these extraordinary changes to our daily lives, it is remarkable how quickly everyone has adapted.  This is a wonderful opportunity for each of us to re-evaluate how we were spending our time, and to re-jig our priority list.  Staying healthy has now gained the priority it truly deserves in all of our lives, as all other distractions are re-calibrated to a lower priority on our daily to-do list. It is a joy to be of service and a privilege to share practical information that will assist everyone in staying healthy. As you are aware the focus of my work for over 20 years has been to reduce stress levels, this is vitally important at the moment, as stress/fear reduces your body’s immune response. We do not know how long this biological threat will be active in our society, however I suspect that the resulting stress

COVID-19 Welling message – Live95FM

March 25th, 2020|

Podcast Limerick Live95FN - COVID-19 Well being message Well done to Joe Nash and Live 95fm for helping to promote a well being message during these unusual times.  The link for the "free" meditation for Live95fm listeners is on the shop page of the website (I apologies that there has to be a nominal fee of 5 cent, as the system needs an amount to function).  Keep safe and well and if I can be of service to anyone, please do not hesitate to get in touch,  stay positive, get creative and have some fun- laughter is the best medicine, love & light Anna

International Appeal to Stop the Installation of 5G on earth and in space

November 22nd, 2018|

        "If I asked you how much more radiation is penetrating your body today compared to ten years ago, is it twice as much, three times as much? No it’s a quintillion times more. That’s a one with eighteen zeros.” -Olle Johansson PhD, Research Scientist Planned 5G technology will massively increase existing exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation on top of the 2G, 3G and 4G networks for telecommunications already in place. RF radiation has been proven harmful for humans, birds, bees, wildlife and the environment. The deployment of 5G constitutes an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime under international law. We would therefore be grateful if you would please read the International Appeal to Stop the Installation of 5G on earth and in space and share with your members - If you wish to add your signature, this needs to be done before 1st

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