Roadshow-Does your Child suffer from Anxiety? Reiki Trainings & More
As I write this date, I feel as if I’m living in some sort of time-warp!! How could it possibly be that we are heading towards the end of May already? The way our world is changing is at an accelerated rate that has never been seen before too. It is certainly “hang on to your hat” season!! As predicated in early 2020, we are now witnessing the effects of consistent fear trauma, especially with the children. It is a privilege and a blessing for me to be in a position to help our children, and usually one session will have a profound positive impact. However, there are only so many private clients that I can fit into each week, so I decided to put together a Program to help parents and educate them on how best to assist their children who are suffering from anxiety. This way I can reach bigger audiences, and I