How to excel in your Exams

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How to excel in your Exams


How to Excel in Your Exams

This 1hr programme will help you to create the optimal mindset for your exams.

At the end of the Presentation you will

  • Understand the importance of Stress Levels
  • Tips on how to improve Memory Recall
  • Practical cost-efficient/free tips for the Exam Hall
  • Hacks to increase your confidence
  • Understand the importance of your environment


How to Excel in Your Exams

This 1hr programme will help you to create the optimal mindset for your exams.

At the end of the Presentation you will

  • Understand the importance of Stress Levels
  • Tips on how to improve Memory Recall
  • Practical cost-efficient/free tips for the Exam Hall
  • Hacks to increase your confidence
  • Understand the importance of your environment

All 2024 Leaving Cert Students will learn tips to maximise performance

Delivered via live Zoom, Anna’s presentation style is light-hearted and fun (a welcome relief from the seriousness of study!), while simultaneously providing transformative tips/skills for fostering a champion mindset

7pm to 8pm Monday 3rd June 2024

This programme includes:

  • Understanding & managing Stress Levels-using cartoons
  • Actionable tips to enhance Memory Recall
  • Why Confidence Matters
  • Live experience of enhancing Confidence
  • Creating the best environment-Holistically, Internally & Externally


Anna Gibson-Steel has worked with exam students for 15 years, her expertise in stress solutions and mind optimisation, produces immediate results. She has a natural affinity with young adults, and she blends wisdom with light-heartedness thus encouraging her audiences to have fun while absorbing life enhancing hacks.



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